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Thank you for choosing SoZen Byron Bay! I trust you will love your bottle and the energetically charged water it will bring to your day. Each bottle is hand chosen and wrapped (by me!) so I have chosen this crystal just for you. Crystals are believed to come into your life as you need them so this crystal has also chosen you! Below is some information for you so you can enjoy your crystal water bottle for years to come.


How to Care for your Bottle


Your beautiful crystal infused water bottle has been made from hand- blown boroscilicate glass. It is really important to remember that while this is a toughened glass, it is still breakable. Treat with care and always use the protective sleeve provided to minimise the chance of breakage. The glass is dishwasher safe however not recommended. Always remove the crystal, lid and base first. Otherwise use mild soapy water to clean.  It is advisable to pull your bottle apart regularly to clean.


Bamboo Bottles:  As these are made from 100 natural bamboo, like any timber exposed to water these bottles will need to be removed from the protective sleeve regularly to be dried out.  Any moisture sitting in the base of the sleeve will damage the bamboo over time.


The bottle comes with 2 FDA-approved, food-grade silicon seals, one inside the lid and one in the base of the bottle. They are not secured so you can remove and clean them as needed so please be mindful to keep them. Replacements can be purchased, as the bottle will leak if not replaced. If your bottle does leak, pull apart and clean the lid, base and silicon seals in case there is any debris caught in them.


Once clean and dry, place your bottle back together again, fill with filtered water, wait 10 minutes then enjoy!


Crystal Infused Water is a great way to put healing crystal energy into the body quickly. You can't eat crystals, but you can transfer a crystal’s energetic matrix in to the matrix of a liquid to drink.


Our Crystals


We have 6 different crystals you can choose from or choose them all! These stunning crystals were created thousands of years ago through the most amazing woman on earth, Mother Nature. They are: Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Rose Quartz, Citrine and Black Obsidian, sometimes we will have a limited number on a new crystal, we currently have limited stock on Aventurine. We also at times have limited edition crystals in stock.  These are limited in numbers and are not often restocked.

They all vary greatly in colour, clarity and size as they are 100% natural and NOT heat treated to enhance their colour like most crystals on the market. They are all different which is what is unique about your bottle. Crystals can also have inclusions which is a material trapped inside a mineral during its formation forming a visual part of the crystal . These can be rainbow inclusions, black dots or streaks, brown dots which looks like rust, feathers (internal cracks), sheaves and many more, They are all perfectly normal in your uniquely imperfect crystal. They do not affect the water nor take away from the beauty of the stone so embrace the inclusions because hey, who is perfect anyways?


My preferred way to cleanse all my crystal’s energies is to place in the full moon light. You can then recharge them with your intentions, goals and desires through your thoughts when bringing them in from their recharge. Stay in the loop through our sozen_byron_bay Insta page for more info on the crystals, charging, health benefits and a range of other stuff about us.


Since the era of folk medicine, crystals and gemstones have been used to protect against illness and facilitate healing in the body. The thought is that crystals possess various properties that allow positive energy to flow into the body while warding off negative energy. 



Our Mission


Our Ethos is to reduce, recycle or reuse where possible to minimise our impact as a business. Our tubes are recyclable or give to the kids to revamp! I reuse bubble wrap sourced from businesses who would otherwise throw it away. I also try to reuse the outer packaging for postage. Your bottle is very securely wrapped in its dedicated tube so it will arrive perfectly safe but know that the environment was at our forethought when we post! We are working to find more ways to serve you - our clients and the Environment - our home.



Love and Light, Bek xx

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